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UPDATED: 13 February, 2009

This message board is mainly intended for scholars to share views and keep in touch with each other. Use of the message board is in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

We are sorry to have to include news of three deaths in 2008, one scholar and two TSCSF co-ordinators who will have been known to many of you.

Ephrem Gezmu Liche, an Ethiopian student, was a Royal Dutch Shell Scholar at the University of Twente in the class of 2006-2008. Ephrem had been studying Industrial Engineering and Management when he died of natural causes in April of 2008. A warm tribute to Ephrem by his thesis supervisor and fellow scholar, Robert Muhizi, can be found at www.utnieuws.utwente.nl/new/?artikel_id+72166

Ian Forgan was instrumental in setting up TSCSF in 1997 and worked for the Fund until August 2006 when he was diagnosed with the cancer which eventually killed him. He took a great deal of pride in the scholars and in the work that TSCSF did. He will be remembered for his warmth, intelligence, sense of fair play and ready wit. Ian died in May 2008.

Margaret Snell was involved with TSCSF from the outset and worked for the Fund for eight years. She loved the job and it gave her great satisfaction to work and have contact with young people from the developing world. Margaret will be remembered for her great kindness and generosity of spirit. Margaret died in October 2008.

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From Saule Massalina
Date: 2008-12-15 at 16:25:41

I am very sorry to hear about Ian and Margaret. Both of them were the co-ordinators of the programme when I was studying in the UK (2002-2003, UCL). They were very kind and enthusiastic people devoted to their work. I am sure they found peace.

From Gaurav Joshi
Date: 2008-12-29 at 12:38:28

Dear all,

I am writing this with a heavy heart as I had the pleasure of knowing Margaret and Ian as people of great warmth and empathy. They remain some of the most remembered people from my time as a shell scholar at Imperial in 1999-2000. I wish that God would grant their families strength to bear the loss. God Bless their souls


From Sathiya Jeganathan
Date: 2008-12-18 at 08:41:40

Hello friends,

I am a shell alumini 2003-2004 batch. While studying in Imperial College London I found my wife and working in UK @Bristol. I would like to meet any current or former shell scholars for a cup of tea or a pint anywhere. Just to referesh the old friendships and maintain it.

Thank you and good luck in your studies


From Lebo Lebotse
Date: 2008-07-31 at 16:27:33

Hey! I am 2007/08 Shell Scholar from Botswana and would like to
meet the one and only other Shell scholar from Botswana, Unopa Janssen
Sikuku. If you are him or know his whereabouts, please contact me. Thank you


From Sana Haider - Pakistan
Date:Tuesday, July 8, 2008 12:36 pm

I just came across this feature and think its wonderful way to
keep in touch with old friends and new. I am still in toronto working with
american Express. Got promoted a couple of months ago and am now the Program
Manager for International payments for LACC region. Its exciting work. I
would love to hear back from other scholars. Keep in touch and God bless.

PS. Let me know if you ae ever in Toronto, would love to show you aroun


From Talha Javed
Date: Tuesday, July 08, 2008 11:01 AM

I have recently finished my MPhil from Cambridge and very keen to connect with Shell scholars in Pakistan. Please contact me via info@www.shellscholar.org.


From Jason Eng
Date: 2007-09-14 at 22:53:20,

Hi there,
I am currently pursuing my Master at the University of Leeds. I wonder if there are other Shell scholars here too. Feel free to drop me a line. Perhaps we can meet up for coffee.
See you and all the best to you all. :)



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